Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Morning

Wow, another Easter...Sunrise, morning coffee, a little walk with the hubby, spending the day relaxing. HA!! That's what me and my other selves know is not going to happen, one of us will think of something to paint, plant, destroy and rebuild, or putter around the house. When we surface as a team, the man thing runs screaming off to hide out with his computer...but We will find him.

Lent is over, my guilt is done. Now, I am not a practicing Catholic, in fact, I am not a practicing anything. I do believe in a higher power, and I do believe we are destined for greatness. I just need to channel the power and greatness together, like one. Meditation is not my forte', in fact one of me is always speaking when she should be quiet, try telling her that and the cat fight is on!! Ever try to argue with yourself??? No body wins, hell, I can't even agree to disagree.

But, back to meditating, it is hard. I am trying to achieve some solitude, some calmness, some relaxation, some anything. I put on some quiet relaxing music,... that works, for about three seconds, all of a sudden I hear the BeeGees, or Fleetwood Mac, or any one but my meditation music, where the hell did it go???. I have been blindsided, tricked, snafoodled, by the girls.

One of us, does not want to relax, one of us wants to dance, sing, wiggle her tushy...what the hell,

isn't that what life is all about.

Screw the meditating girls, lets dance!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter is here, so is that rascle the Easter Bunny

Who ever said a bunny can lay eggs???? That idiot flunked science, and he must be the same person who says birds and bees make threes. Guess he flunked math too. But there is a strange anomaly here, chocolate bunnies, Easter eggs and candy make you fat, so does the birds and bees. So while you are munching down on the Easter numz, run like hell from the tweets and the buzzing.
Now, don't get me wrong, I love Easter and what it represents, all my sins are forgiven by one mans sacrifice. Marvelous, make me feel guilty in the Easter candy isle. Cute little chocolate bunnies. Big bunnies, little bunnies, dressed bunnies, filled bunnies, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate, marshmallow filled ( oh to die for) bunnies. And PEEPS!??? Did you know they come in all different colors???? Yellow wasn't enough, noooooooo, they had to add more colors, now you have to buy one of each, or someone will want to know why your prejudges, predudous, oh hell, don't like the other colors...go figure!!! Its a conspiracy. Now, there is PEEP bunnies, now that is just all kinds of wrong, bunnies are chocolate, we all know that.
Plastic eggs, now that is rich!! Those suckers will be around for thousands of years. What ever happened to regular old dyed Easter eggs. You know, you and your brother always left..or err snuck one raw one in just for grins, unless your aunt or uncle got smacked with it, welllll that ended all the fun. No time out for us, no saving our faces while our asses got whacked by the unlucky recipient of the said raw egg. Yep, what fun Easter was for us a kids.
Now if you whack some one with a plastic egg, they may get a concussion, or worse, plastic surgery on a 6 inch gap of the scalp...oooowwwwwiieeee!!
So while you firing up the coals for an Easter food fest with the fam, remember what Easter is all about..THOSE DAMN CHOCOLATE EASTER BUNNIES THAT LAY EGGS.

Happy Easter Peeps.